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spanish and russian versions available at the end of this text

English version

            The blog of the World tour of the Children of the AIDS was updated. We added it some craftiness ergonomic which should facilitate your reading.

                All the texts of the blog are translatable thanks to an automatic translation engine, placed at the top of every page of the blog: just choose your language


Английская версия

                Журнал Кругосветное путешествия Детей СПИДа была обновлена. Мы добавили это некоторая хитрость эргономичный которая (кто) должен облегчать ваше чтение.

                Все тексты журнала переводимы благодаря двигателю автоматического перевода, помещенные наверху каждой страницы журнала: только выберите ваш язык

(Тексты впредь разгружаемы и печатаемы в формате переносимого документа, пожалуйста, щелкните здесь)


Versión española 

            El blog de la Gira mundial de los Niños del SIDA fue puesto al día. Lo añadimos alguna astucia ergonomic que (quien) debería facilitar su lectura.

            Todos los textos del blog son gracias traducibles a un motor de traducción automática, colocado en lo alto de cada página del blog: solamente escoja su lengua.

(Los textos son de allí en adelante transmitibles 
y publicables en PDF, por favor pulse aquí)

Because we do not stop repeating it,
these children are just like all the others,
they need to gather together,
to laugh and be loved.

ACWT   |  alias  'Tour du Monde des Enfants du Sida'
–   PARIS     APRIL  2009

On our travel blog, you shall learn how the adventure was really jeopardized in South America in particular. But fortunately, about nine months after its launch, the AIDS children world tour project came to an end on the 5th of June, 2009. Check out  the travel blog :
in América | in Africa.
(texts in French, translation available)


After two years of studies among whom nine months on the field, we plan the publication of our annual report by the 1st of December, 2009 (international day against AIDS)

A short preview here, our mini-report about
AIDS children on the Indian subcontinent  (India - Pakistan ).

Do not forget to

Today it is the good moment.
Ask us for your fiscal receipt,
your donations will be exempted from taxation.

1 euro everyday

allows an orphan of AIDS to
go to school and to
get a meal more than once a day
(All harvested donations are entirely given back to AIDS orphans,
in association with our partner

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